The Marble Restoration Company

What Is Efflorescence and Can It Be Removed From Natural Stone?


Efflorescence appears as a white powdery residue on the surface of the stone. It is a common condition on new stone installations or when the stone is exposed to a large quantity of water, such as flooding. This powdery substance is a mineral salt from one of many possible sources.

Efflorescence is created by water that dissolves and trans­ports the salts. Groundwater is often a source of efflorescence. For water to carry or move the salts to the surface, there must be channels through which to move and migrate. The more dense the material, whether it be brick, stone or concrete, the more difficult for the water to transport salts to the surface. Conversely, the more porous the material, whether it be marble, limestone or travertine, the greater the ease with which salts are transported and deposited. Salt-bearing water, on reaching the surface of a structure, evaporates to deposit the salt. The stone will continue to effloresce until it is completely dry. This drying process can take several days to as long as one year. When possible, do not seal the stone until any efflorescence is gone. Contact the stone care experts at The Marble Restoration Company to assist you with removing the efflorescence from your natural stone.

For additional care tips for your marble, granite, travertine, terrazzo or other natural stone and grout, please visit our Care Tips page! If you have additional questions or would like to schedule a free estimate with one of our stone care experts, please contact us today!

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